Monday, December 31, 2018

The Question - Is Of Meaning

so the question then, is of meaning - what's brought to the world by our sense of measure and purpose? Is there a point to any of this beyond our own state of being? That's the inquiry, our own self examined through the lens curiosity. My own examination has lead me to this - that by virtue of being, this life alone and all that fits within, is enough without needing to be compared or to even offer anything more than what it holds right now. To be alive has no meaning other than the joy of pure existence. We are here, and by countless odds there was no promise that we would ever be - yet we are. Do we need more than this? 
Yet that too is the great promise - without the sake of added meaning we are free to roam the world in the pleasure of simply being. Each moment is now offered without compare, fresh, a never before presentation of  - Now. What's more is that we find ourselves in a dual world without any sense of duality - meaning is assigned by our own standard and without the weight of the worlds beliefs. We can see beauty and know that it's fleeting, no need to be capture even by memory. We can strive to achieve without the purpose of achievement, allowing the effort to be enough. Or nothing - there is no reason to force a single thing. 
We can just be. 

So the question then is still of meaning - and I have no answer other than my own. 


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