Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Everything Belongs - Yet Not Forever

it's the belief that somehow, this, isn't it -  that we are removed from the whole by conditions or circumstance. There is a tendency to separate things by opinion, or the expectation of our emotional response. Our preferences and demands come to play in confrontation to what a particular moment holds, and our wish for things to be other than the experience at hand become an imagined line of division. Yet every response is holy, fitting to what we have to give right now - and even arguments of otherwise belong within the moment. Everything belongs. We don't have to like, enjoy, or even accept outer circumstances or our internal reply to any situation - but by virtue of appearance it all belongs. The truth is - this is it, all of it. Everything. This is our awakening, right now, and all that's called for is to simply be - allowing it all, the turmoil of debate over condition and response, our desire for a peaceful solution, every argument for things (and ourselves) to be other than they are. Again, it all belongs. Yet not forever - in the calm of this allowing there is also our not that nothing stays the same, that this too will pass to something else again. In this calm we find that there is only belonging, and we are powerless to exclude. 
This alone is peace of mind. 


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