Saturday, December 29, 2018

The Only Apparent Choice

it's a personal surrender - and as such it is the deep attachment to the idea of a self apart from others and the world that is given over to a deeper view of one existence. Yes, I do find a distinct self that holds the qualities gathered in a lifetime. There are quirks and traits that belong to only me - and yet in my own examination, I can't really find a permanent point in which these qualities gain purchase. They are ghost wandering in a spacious event that's been claimed as my own. The reality I experience is one of life cherished for it's uniqueness, and a greater expansion that allows it all to be, as if a beautiful note played in a much grander, endless symphony. I allow myself the paradox of both - or rather the paradox allows a sense of me. 
So the surrender is a present moment recognition of this - that whatever is happening right now is of my own belonging. There are no outside events separate from the participation of the whole, and this includes breath, life, and even a sense of self that seems intent to prove it's own existence. It's all one thing. Once this is seen - the only apparent choice is to surrender. 


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