Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Real Reason To Meditate

The are many benefits of meditating - health, ability to handle stress, increased concentration, memory and mental functions - all important areas that certainly increase the enjoyment of life what improved. However in the end there is clearly only one reason to meditate - to reduce the walls of separation between ourselves and others until there is no distinction within our minds and hearts. What benefits you will also aid me and what harms others will harm me as well. The mystical "oneness with all" is actually realized. The beginning of this awareness can be felt in as little as eight weeks of practicing meditation. Imagine the care and compassion built up from a life time of practice. Picture a world where the majority meditated and offered the fruits of their inner labor. Interesting enough not everyone needs to meditate to change the world. Only you do - and the world you encounter will be changed by your effort.


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