Thursday, July 18, 2013

A Few (Dietary) Changes

My diet has undergone a bit of  change in the past few weeks - a little more relaxed, less emphasis on strictly raw through the day. It's always fruit for breakfast but lately I have been switching between oatmeal with fruit or a large green salad with some fruit and nuts mixed in. Dinner has been another salad, lightly cooked vegetables and a baked potato with hummus. In the evening I may have a vegan protein drink along with a Lara bar or two. No specific reason other than wanting to keep fruit intake high but not have it all consuming right now. There may even be some vegan chips involved (if there is I'm not telling) I'm sure I'll switch back to a high raw/high fruit diet but I'll see how a little more relaxed on the raw principles works right now and how it affects my running. Stay tuned (if you're interested)


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