Sunday, July 28, 2013

Race Review - Catoctin 50k 2013

Another Catoctin 50k has passed and I missed my goal of a sub 8:00 finish again - 8:12:04 is my official time. Still there is a lot to be please about - I finished and on this course that's always something. It's a tough, gnarly, rocky, hilly course - relentless in what it offers. A runner earns their finish on this course. I knew going in that a sub 8:00 would be pushing it - for the last few weeks my legs have felt heavy and sore and I even contemplated dropping CAT in favor of a 6 hour race instead. But this is CAT and the summer wouldn't be right without it - sometimes you just have to suck it up. Which brings me to the next point to be pleased with - I sucked it up. By mile 2 my legs felt blown. A sub 8:00 pace on a long course (about 33+ miles this year) was going to be tough so I decided on a crash and burn approach - hold the pace for as long as possible and death march it in if I had too. I held the pace up until mile 29 when my first fall and only fall of the day happened to be a nose dive into a pool of water after slipping on a rock while crossing a stream. The water wasn't so bad but the rocks that broke my fall shook me up a bit. I walked it off but never really found my gear again. I still had hope for barely breaking the 8 hour mark but a big push on the hills to get to the Tea Room (finish area) did me in and my death march began. I did have a nice photo finish run though so I wasn't all spent as in some years.
As usual the volunteers at this event are outstanding - this is an old school ultra and it tends to attract the same kind of people to run and too volunteer. They know what a runner needs and provide accordingly. A big thank you to Race Director Kevin Sayers and all those who pitched in to help - especially Moca McCarty who spent her day out there to make sure I survived and to help others do the same. My running friends Melissa Simmens and Andrew Russ both broke 8:00 - a big congratulations to them both. I'll catch you next year!
Training for next years CAT  - it's already started.


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