Thursday, July 4, 2013

I Want You (To Become A Vegan)

It's no longer enough that I'm a vegan - I want you to be one as well. I have removed myself from the cycle of cruelty that is our food source -however the source remains and animals continued to be tortured and slaughtered for a moments pleasure on a plate. It's an over indulgence of cruelty that offers a karmic payback of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other "natural" occurrences. It needs to end. It has to end. The earth - our only home - won't support it. Oceans are over fished and rivers polluted. Living beings are nothing more than commodities. Rich soil turned to dust. Why? To continue to eat in a way that is not only unnecessary but killing us too. I'll spare everyone the photos and videos of where our food comes from. Everyone already knows and everyone ignores - it doesn't happen if we don't see it right? And so we continue consuming in mindless cruelty. Until we change - until we wake up and bring to our tables a mindful compassion. It can happen. It has for me and countless others. It will for you too...I hope...I pray...I beg.


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