Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Where I Am

Zen meditation, A Course In Miracles, and running seem to occupy a large portion of my interest and reading these days. I'm looking for a new approach to seeing the world and racing with a re commitment to the means that have been my salvation before. Through drinking, job loss, death of a loved one and divorce - I have turned to the above to help turn within for peace, comfort and aid. Along with writing it's what I do - I forgive, I run, I meditate and I write - imperfectly as it seems yet I simply do my best. And it's funny how the effort alone delivers comfort. It's the action of taking action that brings results. As the Course states "Infinite patience produces immediate results" and this makes more sense to me now then 20 years ago when I first read it. Yet the mystery - and the practice still unfolds. I think it always will.


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