Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Subjectively Happy - Why Run A Ultra If You're Not Going To Finish?

There are many reasons to run a 100 mile ultra - and finishing is certainly a priority to most and being that's it is a race that may be as it should. Yet not every race is going to be a finish and not every start is meant to be raced. It's an individual event and experience and it belongs to no one other then the runner. Toeing the line at Mohican in (less then) two weeks I am not sure a finish is in the cards. I just don't know - and I'm not that pressed about it. I do know that a lot of miles on a new and exciting trail are the order for the day. I'll try out some new fuel, make some new friends and push myself for as far and and as long as I am happily able (with happy be a very subjective experience) There will be other races where I am in a place - body, mind, spirit - where I feel the need to push myself farther to the limit. This isn't the one - this is my subjectively happy race. And who knows - it might just get me to the finish.


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