Wednesday, June 5, 2013

CAT 2013

Catoctin 50k - CAT. It's the 50k of the year and maybe even the race of the year. Last years training was devoted (for the most part) solely for CAT. This year it's been more about an attempt at the 100 mile distance and I have one more attempt to go - Mohican 100 Mile Endurance Run on June 15th. After that  it's all about getting ready for CAT. And that means hill work, strength work and speed training. I don't want to be out there all day! The speed work did seem to pay off last year in a faster race and more resiliency. I didn't overly focus on hills (I certainly didn't neglect them though) and this year will have more hill focus and also spending a bit more time on rockier trails to help prepare the feet for what's to come. CAT is its own special beast and needs to be approached that way for success beyond a simple finish. I would love a sub 8 hour finish at CAT and it was in the cards last year until stomach issues derailed me for a 8:04 finish. I'll go for it again this year - it's always fun to try!


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