Sunday, June 9, 2013

Ultrarunning As Art

While talking with a friend we stumbled over the concept of the ultrarunner as an artist - using our innate creativity to not only allow the race to unfold in its own unique way (using the runner as its medium) but at the same time creating the inner experience that belongs totally to the runner and his/her own perspective. We become co-creators with the not just the race experience but the course itself and create a dialogue with the landscape that guides us through the creative process. The race becomes our own personal artscape with a blend of our interior world and the natural beauty that is so often allowed to pass in a blur to reach the finish line. Approached as art - every race becomes holy and is a sacred passage. There are no demands. Only experiences. We allow and surrender, introduce and subtract and view every scene and every person as a shared participant in our creation. There's no pressure - when a race calls for speed - we offer speed. Every lull a scared pause. We allow what is and wish for nothing more than this and even in our projections forward (it happens) we know it is an essential process - an inner pull - of moments yet to be. We relax. We bring to the race all we have and wait for the course to ask its need - we know we will provide and be provided for - we are co-creators. We are at once the Artist and the Art - our steps unfolding beautifully and in beauty. Holy.

Is it possible?
We only need to remind ourselves it is.
It's our run after all.


*Dedicated to those who run as Art. You know who you are.

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