Sunday, October 21, 2012

Detachment and Simplicity

It's time (for me) to contemplate a return to simplicity. Not by outer means or by eliminating objects (or people) from my life but through detachment. Detachment is often confused with emotional distance but that is far from being true. Real detachment allows one to truly and love and care without being burdened by the consequences of their actions - that being good or bad. A detached person acts from love and his/her own higher awareness and allows others the freedom to respond in the manner they are capable of within the given moment. It's possible. Yet not easy. Detachment is cultivated and a state to which one has to return to over and over again until the path of the heart is clear as the only path that allows true freedom. When we are caught up in our own reactions towards events, circumstances or people then we are victims of our own mindset. We don't choose - we react. Our goal should be to be responsive. A responsive allows for interior space and wise, loving action. A reaction is reflective of our lowest needs.
It's easy to sidestep this path, to allow our steps to take us elsewhere in a realm of reactionary behavior. It's also easy to step back on. The key is to remember the peace and freedom this path will offer. I'm watching my steps...and choosing wisely.


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