Of course debates can and do play am important role in political contest - it's a rich opportunity to view contrasting ideals and differing takes on the current issues. Yet style should never trump substance but since the dawn of modern media it seems it often has. Legend has it that Kennedy one his debate with Nixon solely do to his television appeal. Those who has listened to the debate on the radio held firmly the opinion that Nixon won. Interesting. I watch debates now and seldom catch a glimpse of substance from candidates from either party - just talking points and slogans with little real passion. And there's a reason for this - passion reveals a depth to a person, it's the "why" that lies behind beliefs. So many people seem to hold a belief simply because they're Democrat or Republican and that's the party line. I'm more interested in that unscripted moment where passion reveals itself and a candidate (or any person) is willing to step across a partisan line. John McCain showed real courage when he refused to throw his hat into the "Obama is a Muslim" ring. I admired that and look for such moments in the future - from my presidential candidates, my friends and myself. I believe we are all capable of embracing self evident truths that are greater than party lines and personal opinions when we see them. I hope I am.
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