Thursday, June 22, 2023

Through a Quiet Mind

Through a quiet mind: 

it's through a quiet mind that the universe shows me I belong - and that's really all there is to meditation, over 30 years of practice summarized here. 

to simply say that I belong. 

that's really no small thing, my beginning steps toward meditation were taken from a place of deep insecurity, not feeling as if I had a true home, and if I did it certainly wouldn't be present in the turmoil of my mind nor found through the channel of my body. I was extremely uncomfortable in this sense, not belonging in my own skin, even my thoughts would tell me so. Meditation was a journey of settling for me, right here, finding myself at home amidst the motion of thoughts and insecurities of my body. It began with first sitting and has only deepened over time. 

it's through a quiet mind that my body shows me I belong.

by this I don't mean to say that there is always the complete absence of thoughts in my meditation sessions, sometimes there is, and often it's still quite busy, or at least as I begin my sitting. A quiet mind is our natural state of comfort, spacious, and it's through here that our thoughts pass, so often unnoticed in their hurry. Meditation slows us down, we notice ourselves, at first dismayed by the rush of thoughts and how little sense they truly make in spite of all their noise.

a quiet mind is always our return. 


it's through a quiet mind that I find myself, my truest self, real in the sense that I am present in every moment, never straying from this anchored place of pure existence. My body is home, from cell to molecules dancing into form, My mind is a mystery, unfathomable, and yet a reality that extends itself to be explored.

everywhere is home. 

meditation simple reminds me that I belong.

exactly as I am.


Peace, Eric 

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