Monday, June 26, 2023

That I Am a Sinner

That I am a sinner: 

that I am a sinner in the literal sense of its translation, having found that I've so often missed the mark completely in my aim, indeed, not even a target to be found. This refers to the ancient Greek concept of sin from which our present concept derives from, with sin being based more from ignorance than intent to do harm or transgress certain laws attributed to God and man. The ancient Greeks believed that to sin was a matter of missing the point of life entirely, that we are harmonious by nature, and that a failure to recognize our true essence is a transgression of our deepest values as a person. 

that I am a sinner simply means that I have missed the aim of life.

as it seems I often have. 

this isn't at all an original sin, truly we are born in innocence and remain so, at no point being separated from the divine flow of life itself. To become a sinner is only a matter of forgetfulness, having strayed in thought from our beginning intent of joyfulness, that in essence - we are simply an expression life itself and we're meant to show ourselves in whatever way brings us most easily to this joy. 

that I am a sinner...means that I've forgotten myself.

and yet given every opportunity to remember. 

 so in this sense, there's no real sin, and no actual sinner, as we've never completely missed the mark, there's not a target that we aim for -it's just life either being recognized as holy or ignored of its true potential. Here, in this light, holiness and joy are synonymous, the natural expression of life and we inherent to its core. 

that I am a sinner only means that I've forgotten this, missing the mark completely even as it's continuously displayed as my true reality. 

to be free of sin...

is to remember.




Peace, Eric

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