Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Larger community

Larger community: 

there's a larger community involved here, not just my neighbors in the houses next door, or those who live in another section of town. My community is all inclusive and isn't limited by location, religious beliefs, language, and more truly it extends to every bit of land and species. 

everything belongs. 

the definition of community holds that it is first a group of people living in the same place or having a common characteristic that brings about a bond. It's about connection and therefore doesn't limit us to living in a certain place, nor even a particular point of interest. What we have is a larger community, infinite really, all connected by the shared ground of earth, air, and the benefits received by sun and oceans, a thread of forest, mountains, and every animal, tiniest insects, every aspect of life that ties us permanently together. 

it's the larger community of life, nature.

our truest belonging. 

with this we have only one question to ask ourselves, a mantra really, repeated for the sake of our larger community - how may we serve? 

this service doesn't limit our joy in anyway, what it does is point us in the right direction for its true fulfillment. Life is meant to evolve, purposely so, and not just for the benefit of a single species. We're of a continuous involvement here, being life itself, and not a separate unit having a self-interest opposed to other aspect of our larger community. If one aspect fails the entire structure is compromised, quite possibly beyond repair. Our role, our fulfillment and joy, is to thrive and evolve for the benefit of all, a true community with a common bond. 


in service to itself. 


Peace, Eric  

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