Sunday, June 25, 2023

As I relax Completely

I'm not sure that I would consider the things that I most love to do as a practice, not really, at least not in the sense as is often spiritually viewed, that meditation, yoga, breathwork and other common themes are spiritual practices based upon achievement, believing that I will attain a certain outcome of awakening. I see these things only as a practice of their performance, it's the ritual itself that truly counts, just the moment of my surrender as I relax completely to the task at hand - and that it's all beyond any sense of practice or achievement.  

there is only the performance.

and not even a performer found.

as I relax completely, if there is a spiritual system here, an underlying principle involved, that's it. This is what a lifetime practice is finally reduced to, relax, let go of any concepts, even one of surrender - and with the entire world opens to a deeper understanding.

most truly, this is the way things are, and by this I mean that this moment itself won't ever by changed by my denial of what it holds, or that any effort now will effect the present situation in any meaningful way. Certainly right actions done in the present moment will cause a different outcome in the future, and as I relax completely, simply accepting things as they are, I am are more apt to bring a fruitful change. In no way does this acceptance mean that I have to like where I find myself now, relaxing is far too dynamic for any passive sense of surrender. 

as I relax completely....

my world is already changed by this response.


I see my path more clearly.

and if truly I have a spiritual practice at all, 

this is it.


Peace, Eric 

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