Thursday, June 27, 2019

Would You Cross A River?

Let me ask you –
Would you cross a river for a
loved one?
Would you swim towards the promise of a
hopeful shore?
Would you brave uncertain currents and risk the loss of
all – just so your children will never have to
cross a frightful river of their own
one day?
Let me ask you what you would do for your family.
What risk you would face?
How many miles would you walk to
find a better home?
A peaceful place to rest.
What would you leave behind?
How much would you carry on your back, how heavy the load for a
family to start a life in an unfamiliar land?
Let me ask you –
If you crossed this river, hopeful, a bit of faith in what another nation offers – to only find the barren shore of unwelcome, hate, and cages,
What then?
Our we the country worth drowning for?
Let’s ask ourselves this question.


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