Saturday, June 29, 2019

Metaphors Being Told

and perhaps, with respect to Joseph Campbell, we too are a metaphor in a greater mind than ours - mystery granting us the poetry of living, our lives expressed in fiction only we believe, and once told we again return to infinite mystery. Campbell said that God is a metaphor for something so large that it defies description - yet who is it that seeks to know this mystery? Life is a story telling itself through the myth of living, distinct characters given license to be, demand, and seek answers. We are characters come alive through belief in the importance of our part in this story. Myths as real as every God created. By no means is this all we are, not mere fiction, but essential as the page in every book, and more we are not separate from the creative source that tells this myth. We are metaphors because we can't be told through anything other than fiction. 
Perhaps that's how great we truly are. 


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