Monday, June 3, 2019

Any Talent I Assume

there's still a subtle faith in my own inspiration - as if I alone command words to make it to the page on the timeline they've been given. It's quite diminished, not fully believed any longer, but still in the background as I face a day of writing. There was a time when I relied solely on my own creative powers, and so often I found myself left waiting for inspiration to appear. Writers block was certain. I've learned no great secret to overcome this, no technique or method to invoke creativity to my whims. Inspiration is not on demand. But there is a truth I've come to know - words come from nowhere, direct from mystery, and my only role to to simply be present on arrival. I write what appears and the more I am reminded of my own small role the less need for faith in any talent I assume. 

The truth is - it all happens on its own. 


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