Wednesday, June 12, 2019

None Of It's True

none of it's true - not our most cherished beliefs, nor passing thoughts judged against another. They're all masks imposed upon reality, sometimes helpful in navigating life's terrain, but never true in an ultimate sense of understanding. The closest we come to truth is in our own uncertainty, an on-going inquiry through layers of beliefs, opinions, and assumptions. Not knowing, and allowing ourselves the privilege of being free of certainty, is an ongoing gift of peace. It also opens our world to unlimited possibilities. Perhaps this is the only real thing we can offer ourselves and one another - my not knowing, free of assumptions on you should live life, allows room for your perspective, and gives me at least another view of our shared world. It provides room for us all to maneuver through. Of course we all cling to certain beliefs and ideals, and nothing really needs to be discarded if it brings us peace of mind. Yet with just a little inquiry, asking if we can truly know this thought is certain, again we find space for another to live their own examined life. 
It's just a little taste of freedom.


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