Sunday, June 9, 2019

Of Letting Go

here's the great secret about letting go - in the very moment of our surrender, we are already empty of everything we could possibly hold to. Letting go takes place entirely on its own without our direct participation - in truth it occurs through every moment, each thought given due and then released, our bodies surrendered to the sweep of time, even our most cherished beliefs are simply recycled from previous times they've served. Our world is motion, nothing static nor lasting - our suffering is only the failure to acknowledge the temporary nature of which we belong. So we could see this as a practice, adopting a sense of surrender in recognition of all that passes on its own - yet, perhaps better still, is to know ourselves as the space that serves for the brief appearance of the world, a giving capacity for things to be, linger, and then move on. 
From us - nothing more is really needed.


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