Saturday, June 8, 2019

An Allowing Art

just allowing - and it occurs to me more often now that there's nothing I need to do, everything takes place immediately and even my actions are arranged through choices not my own. It's not fate, or a destiny guided by greater hands than mine. On a certain level choice appears and I'm left to find a path through this arrangement. I do what I'm able - when I am able to. This isn't about free will. It's about no will at all. Life happens. I find very little of it in my control. When I fight what appears that's to my displeasure - I suffer. When I cling to that which pleases me highly - I grieve in it's departure. Yet I find that there's another way. Or perhaps better said, there is the way things are exactly all the time. Everything is allowed. By virtue of appearance alone this is beyond my need to argue. I no longer fight reality. I don't always like it and sometimes find it near intolerable - yet somehow, always, I manage to go one, life continues, often changed and altered in it's way - but on it goes. There's peace in that. Recognizing this allowing could be seen as a practice, mindfulness as it were, but I prefer to see it as an art, smiling at what appears and being grateful for the creative response that surely, always follows. And that's the great secret of allowing - in this mystery there's infinite responses to everything that appears and my own individual choice in what I offer would be small in any comparison. So I urge myself patience, any guidance is provided from the same source that allows this life to be. In truth, it's all a continuation, a flow of one thing in full response to itself. The true art is in removal of a self that seeks control. 
But again - even that's allowed. 


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