Saturday, May 4, 2013

Ultra Thoughts

I feel a very strong urge to run the Mohican 100 Mile Endurance Run on June 15th. It may be too soon and it may not be the best option if I decide to run the Pine Creek 100 in September. Yet I feel the urge to run long and don't even truly care if I finish - I want to finish of course - but the urge to be on the trails and just move seem to be a more overwhelming desire. I want to streamline my race fueling so that I'm eating what is healthy and available and what I carry on myself. I may try Perpetuem again so that I am ensured calories and nutrition on the go and too fill the gap between dates, (Vega) gels and what I get at the aid stations.I want to run and walk and get in 100 miles in a single shot, or 60 miles or 80 - I want to just go.


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