Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Are You Spiritual?

Spirituality means many things to many people - the oft mention -"spiritual but not religious comes to mind and it allows a broad view of beliefs that may or may not fit within a religious context. Yet it also begs the questions of whether or not it improves ones quality of life and elevates our relationships with others in a true spiritual (loving) fashion. I've been always struck by the story told of the Dali Lama who once gently told a group of leaders at a Worlds Religion Conference "my religion is kindness" and allowed that to sum up his experiences of Buddhism.
I have always found the Prayer of Saint Francis to be a perfect summary of Christianity -

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is despair, hope.
Where there is darkness, light.
Where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved, as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive.
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
And it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.
The prayer speaks kindness, patience and understanding in every verse. It has been a central point of meditation in my life and one I return to often to help keep me focused on my own spiritual (and religious) path.
Another religious tenant from Judaism that speaks of a heart felt connection to others is - shmirat ha -lashon - or guarding our tongues. It's a simple exercise of asking ourselves three questions before we speak: Is what I'm about to say true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? If we can't answer yes to each of these three questions then don't say it. Sadly I fail this often. Yet even in the occasionally remembrance we can guard ourselves from causing harm and it's a great source of kindness in practice.
Years ago I wrote a poem that became a little book and I have always viewed it as gift to me, a simple set of instructions on how to live a spiritual life. It speaks of kindness too.
When you close
your eyes
and see God
You are God's Hero.

When you open your eyes
and see God in everyone,
You are God's Hero.

When you let anger pass you by,
with a smile
upon your lips,
You are God's Hero.

When you hold love
in your heart
and peace within
your mind,
You are God's Hero.

When you behold
the beauty of a
and feel the kinship
with all living things,
You are God's Hero.

When you look at someone
who is different,
and see only how you are alike,
You are God's Hero.

When you feel more joy
in helping another,
than you do
in your own personal gain,
You are truly God's Hero.

When you hear
the true name of God
in every man's religion,
You are a Hero to God.

When you can hear
the silent voice of God
in the wind,
the birds,
or even the
roar of a crowd,
You will hear God
calling You a Hero.

When you take time everyday,
for silent communion
with God,
She listens and You are God's Hero.

When you can see
beyond appearances
and have the wisdom
to see Gods truth
that we are all truly One,
Again,you are God's Hero.

When you have compassion
and love for
even those with whom
you may disagree,
You are a Hero to all mankind and to God.

When you know
that forgiveness is blessed
and forgive all,
No matter how large or small
that trespass against you,
You will be God's Hero.

When you give love to all,
holding none back,
you will know love
for yourself,
for God,
And you will be Her Hero.

When you demonstrate patience
with others
and see Divine Good
in everyone and every event,
You will have learned to see God everywhere,
and you will be Her Hero.

When you trust in God
with all your heart,
Knowing that the Universe
is formed from Love,
your trust will pay off
with love, abundance, joy,
And the knowledge
That you are God's Hero.

When your desire to know God
is so great
that in desperation
you finally give up searching for Her
where She never has been found,
You will find Her
where She has always been,
Ready to welcome
Her Hero Home.

Spirituality means many things to many people. Yet without kindness, consideration, compassion and patience. It is nothing.

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