Friday, May 3, 2013


Except for a calf issue that was a big reason for my dropping at the C&O 100 I felt in fairly good condition for having run 63 miles. Good enough to do some speed work on the treadmill two days later and do some light lifting the very next day (well, same day actually)
I really feel that keeping my diet clean during the race in addition to my regular vegan diet played a large role in this regard. A diet heavy in fruit is continuously hydrated and nourished and the digestive system is working at it's full capacity allowing energy to be spent on recovery and not the heavy load of digesting meat and toxic junk food. Most vegans will say likewise. T. Colin Campbell's new book - Whole - has just been released and I purchased it today. I'm looking forward to reading it and refining my diet even more for better results than ever!


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