Thursday, May 24, 2012


"Simplify, simplify, sinplify!" Thoreau wrote in Walden. If these words held true in 1854 imagine how much more they should be heeded in this complicated age. And indeed it is a complicated time where even the most mudane acts can become bogged down in needless matter. Yet there are still a few things where simplicity holds true. Exercise for one. There are fancy gyms with a host of new machnes with whisles and bells and a host of promises. And while all exercise is good - nothing beats running. Or walking. Pushups, situps, and barbells and dumbells are fine too. And it doesn't take much - a few reps, a set or two, and a couple of exercises - go for a run or walk after and call it a day. Simple.
Diet is the same. I won't discuss veganism right now (although it is simple) but I will leave you with words from Micheal Pollan -"Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." Now that's simple. And effective.


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