Thursday, July 23, 2020

Without Interference

without my interference, and in truth, even my concern belongs in some fashion - life continues in its course of events, never once a true pause, but always leading to directions I've yet to figure as a plan. In a very subtle sense, each moment is a surprise. If I pay attention, right now, the world opens in a flow of never to be repeated scenes, sensations, and an inter-play of wonder. Even my breath, each a tide of giving and release is measured by the instant, not a willful call for life, but gifted in exact care. My every function, from thoughts to heartbeat, it all happens on its own. There is no need to interfere. Of course, so it seems, I try - I tug at life for the direction of my benefit, insisting, assured of my own command. Yet never once does life ever really comply. My will and self importance also belong to currents not entirely my own, simply appearance beyond control, and carried to the next event, believing they've gained or lost through their command. Seeing this, with no forceful wish to change myself, nor seek to gain the upper hand - is to awaken to the flow. Life goes on exactly as before, as always. And I know that I belong. 


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