Wednesday, July 29, 2020

My Taste of Joy and Coffee

and to the void  all things belong - this isn't the Heart Sutra of metaphysics, nor a play of quantum mechanics offered in lyrical form. This is simply seeing. From my view the world unfolds in objects and a continuous space for their existence. Yet where does this all begin? Again, seeing this only from me perspective, there is no beginning point for the world to be - it comes fully whole to my reality, complete as it is, and from what I can only see as appearing from a nothingness of my own emergence too. What I find is a seamless grace of sudden becoming, tracing any object of the world to its very edge of being, the limit found within my view - and nothing. There is no Eden, no creative source separate from the whole. Just this. I have no idea how this came to be, only that I find myself aware within the midst of all that's happening, an aware occurrence of some sort, somehow coming to know myself as belonging to the world in the same fashion as all that shines in unique appearance, a gift of being. What makes this gift so valued to me is seeing that it just as easily could have been otherwise - that from the void that allows this all to be, and holds it still as a loose grip of emptiness, I am, and I have no idea how or why. But I am. This is no theory nor explanation for how things are, just a moment written while drinking coffee this morning. My cup raised to greet the first sip and there was just a glimpse of the void from which my experience of the moment was emerging, and remaining present in its welcome of my taste of joy and coffee.  Indeed, to the void all things belong. 


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