Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Better Minds

I'll leave it to better minds to argue - but for me there's no debate of my own participation with reality, or more, that there is just one continuous flow of event, not even split to sequence, and no separate objects that truly define themselves as other. It's only paradox when talked about, yet even the words used somehow find their way in spontaneous fashion to be heard, a play of sound within an undisturbed silence. Everything is a demonstration of a unique appearance owing its moment to all of existence, and that nowhere do I find myself separate as an observer, no object apart from view, and no view removed from the bare essence of simply seeing. To this, my own conclusion, and one without the need for me to debate - reality participates through itself, one thing in full effect and cause, and to this I find that I belong as well. It's simple, right now, this one and very moment, there is no world without me. To know anything beyond this - I'll leave to better minds to argue.


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