Friday, February 11, 2022

Truly So

Truly so:

truly so, and spontaneous to my notice, finding myself grateful now, and for no obvious reason - that life arrives to me simply as a gift, given so freely and with such ease. This of course is an unearned grace, all that's given as well as their grateful reception, none of this is asked for, not breath, heartbeat, nor the quiet moment of this morning. I'm receiving life, a gift, truly so. Equally as much a gift is to find myself in deep appreciation for all that comes to me, for what's present, and even what seems lost to me now but once was believed mine completely. 

yes, I am grateful for it all.

truly so.

and it is grace, somehow bestowed to me, finding myself astonished by the ease of breath, knowing that my heart functions without my conscious effort, listening to my body's rhythm and hum of clear perfection. Even through recent health concerns my body was a gift of function, capable, and carried me to the point where vitality returned. My body will be present to very last breath, and then returned to dust and elements, molecules, atoms, and particles that will regather as something else entirely. Right now it's a miracle to just exist at all, finding myself aware of how fragile this gift, and how the cosmos aligned so perfectly for this to even come to pass. 

how could I not find myself grateful?

this moment, so quiet now, early before dawn, and I'm thankful to be given words and inspiration, the time to write these thoughts down and share it with whomever comes to read them. We have this moment together, across whatever time and space there seems to be between is. I am grateful for your presence, that you are part of this great participation of life we have. It's all such a gift...

truly so. 


Peace, Eric 

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