Monday, February 7, 2022



it was to have a purpose, an underlying reason to know my existence had meaning and importance - that seemed to be the cause of all my years of discontent, deep down, just a wish to believe that I belonged to something greater than my own concerns. It seems my life's inquiry was to ask why am I here? Perhaps it's the question that drives us all to some extent and that we latch on to popular ideals of purpose, believing that we're here to fulfill a certain career or self-important role. Maybe we are. For many years I envied those who felt so sure on such matters, being secure in their reasons and position, knowing that their lives had a greater meaning. I always felt adrift, somehow not fully belonging to the world, without a true and worthy reason to belong. 

and yet I see now how ridiculous my beliefs were.

there has never been a point that I haven't belonged, and each and every moment is the revelation of my life's purpose, full of any meaning I assign, and of great ad real importance to the world. To ask why am I here is instantly answered by a following breath, or reply of heartbeat, any sensation gives assurance that I'm here to feel and know myself as alive, existing for the sole and lovely purpose of simply being. My dharma is existence, a soul path that leads only and always to this moment, nowhere else, no divine point of any meaning greater than right now. 

it's a beautiful place to be.

and honestly, I have no idea how I found myself here, released by the demands to justify my existence. The best that I can say is that I woke up, and that I'm continuously waking from the ordinary dream of purpose and meaning. This isn't to say that I've transcended any aspect of life, but only that I no longer find myself trapped in the self-judgement of how I should belong. What I woke to was the utter simplicity of the world. I belong. Everything and everyone belongs. It's that easy, really, whatever is, right now, belongs. That's it. There's nothing to prove with this, no debate of value or measure of importance. My inquiry is still asking the question why am I here...  

yet now the world answers,

and tells me I belong. 


Peace, Eric 

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