Wednesday, February 16, 2022



here's a note about karma, a few words of my own reflection for whatever that might be worth. It's a word I hear quite often now, a popular concept that has little to do with the actual meaning any longer. Today, in western thought, it's largely regarded as punishment and sometimes reward, another means of stating the golden rule of treating others as we would like to be treated. I often see people post on social media their belief in karma and that punishment will be dealt for another's infraction. The actual meaning of karma is lost now as popular jargon, no longer recognized in original terms. 

the word itself simply means action and in most spiritual traditions of its practice implies a cause and effect approach to life, with deeper implications as to how long the effects may linger. What we are now is the result of karma, actions of previous moments have shaped our lives to this particular point and what actions we perform now will add to the karmic effects of our lives to come. Of course there's more subtle meaning to this as well, with each tradition offering their twist to this definition. 

personally, I like to keep karma to it's original meaning and intent, with my life purely being a reflection of every action taken. This is less cause and effect and really just continuous outcome, with no true cause being of any singular origin. I am healthy because I ate well, exercise daily, meet with my physician to discuss options and concerns. I'm mindful of the little things that may have a larger impact on my health, such as flossing and other issues of hygiene. But still sometimes things go wrong, last year gave me several health concerns and I am fortunate to have had them cared for in a timely fashion. Are health issues punishment for past actions? Simply consequences for poor former choices? Or is there a karmic reward of having such great medical care that's denied to so many in this country? 

it's a complex thought system to consider.


it's just life, and that karma is simply it's expression, action taken and displayed, a continuous unfolding of what it is to be alive. Karma is life in bloom as well as wilted flower, how the sky both nourishes a spring seedling to blossom, and a season later offers unrelenting sunlight to its flower. Life works in measured ways, yet mysterious too, and we are not always privy to the means of its constant action. Yet a flower is always in grace to its moment, never punished by consequence of its bloom. It's a display of life, receiving sunlight and rain in whatever perfection is given, rooted to the mutual benefit of earth and its own promise of flowering. 

that's karma.


and we are so very similar to a flower, earth rooted and dependent on what the sky offers. We bloom within proper conditions, nourished by chance and choice, wilting as a season turns. There is no punishment here, and the true reward is life and every moment that we're given. It's all grace, and it's all in motion, action, continuously so...karma...



Peace, Eric 

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