Sunday, October 25, 2020

What I Am


What I am:

as to what I am, and this seems of greater interest than asking who I find myself to be - it all begins with the solid things of life, my assurance of body and then moved to the more subtle aspects of thought and mind. I am made of intricate parts that somehow form a whole, a design of wonder made to navigate its way through life. Yet each part is smaller still, from cells to molecules and atoms, and further still I come to particles that make the very structure of my existence. Things get even smaller from here, until the very substance of what I am - simply disappears. 

but nothing is discarded from the whole, what I am is complete through pieces as well as the formlessness that holds this all together. 

as well, I find myself much larger than appearance - I exist as an exchange of breath and air, atoms traded in vast continuation, shared as one body. What I am touches you and onward to another, and so we find ourselves as an endless reach of true connection. Through this, I continue with a lost sense of I, no longer personal and yet nothing essential left behind. 

what I am is infinite without direction.

of course the simple answer is that I don't really know what I am, naming parts and speculation tell me nothing true at all - and that's the answer-less answer that most satisfies me, that I am nothing at all, as well as the collected whole. One thing in aspect of appearance. What I am, right now, is aware, a knowing sense of just this moment - no answers given, and no questions needed. 

simply this


Peace, Eric 

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