Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Not Removed

to find myself not removed, life in full, expressed even as the smaller voice that whispers I'm not part of this completion. In this great belonging nothing that appears is separate from the whole. Thoughts are not my enemy, ego is not my imagined self that seeks to own my world - yet too, they are but a small part of my existence. Seeing myself, now, in the light of this completion, there is no aspect, no single part of life itself, that can be claimed as not belonging. It's all one thing, and pointless to fight against ourselves in a civil war based on a belief that we're not whole. To find myself not removed, but only life, in this moment thinking, writing, believing myself to be an ego completely on it's own - it's all just ripples in the same stream of all existence. There's nothing more to do but relax and be exactly what I am. 


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