Sunday, April 14, 2019

It's Just a Story

here's the basic explanation - we are confused by our identification with thoughts being the reality of who we are. They're not. Nor are they separate from what we are. They are the narration of life happening, a story told so immediate after this happening that they seem to be concurrent to the event. They're not. Thoughts occur through the same space that allows the world to be - we are that space. There is no separation between this space (what we are) and thoughts (occurring through what we are) It's all one thing. Thoughts happen. Events happen. Life is happening. Again, there is no separation between this happening(s) and reality. It's life. It's what we are. It's all one thing. To sum it up: the sky is never separate from what it contains, it allows for the appearance of clouds, birds, and planes. It's the capacity for all of these things to appear. Yet it remains, always, and only, the sky. And here we are. 

With one final point - 

this too is just a story, thoughts really, about what we are. 

None of it is true.


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