Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Mote To Breeze

and even our surrender is a story told, symbolic, as if a dust mote declaring its intentions to the breeze - we too are aimless in the greater circumstance of life, our plans laid aside by sweeping winds of change and grace. This truth is revealed by our demands, desires, and prayers for life in simple plans, our wish for things to play out in least amount of fear and increased comfort. Yet life always brings the full range of what it offers, nothing excluded, and our true and only power comes in this acceptance. We are already surrendered, having never gained control, our role now is to allow, allow, allow, and see ourselves as not mere motes within life's storm, but the breeze as well in full experience as mote and storm. It's all one thing, reality, expressed as every possibility - our life, and all that happens, belongs in this as well. 


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