Sunday, April 7, 2019

Accepted in The Very Moment of it's Appearance

here's the thing - acceptance is not a personalized verb. It's not something we purposely do, at least not in the sense of how life works without our interference. Everything, in every circumstance and situation, is accepted in the very moment of it's appearance. It's simply what we do, or better still, it's what we are - open to whatever life brings. We don't have to like it, we can work for things to be otherwise, or wish for things to change - and all this too is immediately brought within our calm acceptance. It's instant. We are an allowing space, our nature is to be open to every conceivable expression of life, and in this there is no separation between event or object and our spaciousness. It's here where we find peace, knowing that it all occurs on it's own, no one actively choosing to accept or deny, just this constant welcome to it all, no effort to be anything other than what we are now, and always - life, in perfect expression of itself in every moment. 


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