Saturday, November 17, 2018

Without The Weight Of Meaning

everything belongs without the weight of meaning - until the moment that it's given. Ours is a clear space of allowing, an openness that begs for one more thing to be added to it's nature, and always we're obliged to bring more by thought and view. Yet nothing comes to us with a meaning if it's own, nameless until assigned, and clear of all agenda - we add words to beauty, and ideas to the formless, giving qualities to a world already made complete. It's not that this is wrong, for even labels fit within this welcoming. But there is another way to see, the first way, natural, and it happening now even as we view the world. It's always just before - our seeing, and only in an instant later does it come to us to add a single thought or label. So we return, our original view, noted in clarity and then allowed to simply be before a thing is added. It's here we rest. For just a moment - and even as the weight of meaning begins to add itself to what we view, we abide in our restful nature. It all happens on it's own. 


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