Monday, November 26, 2018

My Waving Hand And An Inquiry Into Now

I've often wondered why so many forms of inquiry are ones of negation alone, dismissing this and that which is clearly alive and present.I can't wave my hand before me and say "not this" and dismiss it as not my own, yes it can be lost, or transplanted, but right now, this moment, it's an alive form and function connected to a body that is alive, form, and function  and very much a cherished part of "me" In this sense my inquiry might be "why not this too?" My waving hand is part of this moment, this existence, and fits pretty neatly in awareness. So do my thoughts. At the same time none of this is exclusively me, but where is the line of separation drawn? Are there degrees of ownership within existence, especially as pertain to body and mind? My own inquiry always leads me directly to the experience of this moment, not removed from waving hand, nor from passing thoughts - just this moment and whatever seems to be appearing. The very next moment may prove to be an entirely different matter, and a truth held now simply let go to continue in it's passing. So perhaps the inquiry is this - what, right now, is separate from this moment? 


*I don't know if gaining freedom means losing anything other than an attachment to what we believe freedom might be. I'm just thinking aloud here and risking a whack from Robert Saltzman's Zen Whisk of Wisdom...

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