Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Into This

it's seeing, just before a coming thought and added label, the 
simplicity of each given moment and 
nothing more - 

and into this is our

surrendering is not an actual act, we don't give a thing over, nor relinquish our claim to self - it's simply the acceptance of everything just as is, without need for things is be other than they are just now. It all belongs. Even before this seeing or acceptance everything belongs by virtue of appearance. We have no role in any of this, no effort or action required, and no prayers to arrange a better world. Perhaps the best we can do is offer our attention, each occurrence and object once more recognized as a momentary belonging, folding gently back into the whole. It's not a strained mindfulness but a mere observation of emptiness in full capacity to hold the world. 
It's seeing our own nature. 


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