Monday, November 12, 2018

The Nature Of (My) Suffering

outside of thought - there is no suffering. Yes, certainly there belongs pain, grief, and even anguish expressed for some circumstances. Yet, aside from our thought that things should be otherwise, there is no cause that leads us to a continuation of suffering. This doesn't imply that suffering is imaginary, a made up conditioned of gathered thoughts around a subject or event - indeed, I'm writing this based upon my own moments I've suffered as well as a relief found in the spacious surrounding my thoughts on the matter. Suffering exist as we think about the issue at hand, as our thoughts dwell and add weight to painful conditions we suffer in their presence. This doesn't mean that suffering is optional, there is no choice to be free of sorrow, at least not one to my knowledge. What there is - is exploration into the nature of our thoughts, to inquire into the very heart of sorrow and find what's within and through to the other side. Perhaps we'll find freedom, or a lightness of being that helps us cope with the weight of suffering. To even look will invite a spaciousness around the subject, enough room to simply breathe and assure our own space of healing. Here's the thing - I don't know what you'll find. What I've written above is only my discovery. I wish you all peace and love in what you'll  find with yours. 

Please feel free to share what you do discover. 


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