Friday, May 2, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running - #63

Confront the difficult
while it is still easy;
accomplish the great task
by a series of small acts.


A single step - a lone caress against the earth and repeated to a
stride. And so the step carries us to greater

From here...a single step to reach the infinite.

Don't think of beginnings nor endings - think only of the one step that delivers us to the infinite. You see distance is an illusion. A step is but a commitment to awareness. When we give ourselves joyfully to every moment we find ourselves in the midst of eternity. Time and distance becomes tools to bridge points of eternity to our awareness. When we find ourselves suffering during a long run it simply means we need to focus on the single task at hand - one step, a slow drink of water, a bite of food, or even just a breath. We really can't do anymore than this - in spite of the fact that our mind will push us towards the finish. Try not to resist. That's just the nature of the mind. Smile. Run with the heart - it beats a single note, fully committed to that one note - and so that beat becomes our lives. 


*Portion of the Tao Te Ching translated by Stephen Mitchell 

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