Thursday, April 11, 2013

Sun Bathing For Health

The sun is powerful medicine and a medicine that we don't seem to get enough of these days. As a country (and perhaps world wide) we are in a epidemic of a vitamin D deficiencies. Vitamin is actually closer to a hormone than an actual vitamin and regulates mood, hormonal balance a swell as he absorption of calcium - along with a host of other positive benefits. The best source of vitamin D is the sun since out skin will manufacture its own - sort of like photosynthesis for plants. Yet for the past few decades we have been told to limit our sun exposure. Dr.s are now we thinning this - and many are urging sun exposure for 10-15 minutes a day several days a week. This has been recommended in the alternative health and raw food communities for decades now. However as a light skinned person of Northern European decent I have been careful of the sun - especially after years of exposure without sun screen. I'm rethinking that now. Dr. Oz highly recommends a "sun bath" for 15 minutes or so of the arms, legs and torso. Avoiding burning and using sun screen for protection afterwards. This seems like sound advice and just as flossing, exercising and other daily habits for health one to add into the mix for optimum health. It's worth a try.


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