Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Treadmill thoughts and todays training

It's hard to run with spirit on a treadmill - but not impossible. As a matter of fact the sheer restrictions of the treadmill can force you into a state of concentration and intrspection. Meditation gives you structure in order to delve within to a deeper pool of true self. A treadmill can serve a similiar function both mentally (spiritualy) and physicaly. In a sense it's actually the blending of the mental and physical that prodces the "Zen like" effect - there is an elimination of distractions (if you keep the headphones off!) that forces the focus on the internal. Of course this doesn't in any degree suntract from the spiritual and mental aspects of the trail or road - but as a tool the are some (often) unexplored benifits of the treadmill,

Anyway - todays workout (so far)

Overhead press – 1x5@75lbs 1x5@65lbs
Long cycle -@20kgs 5:00 27 reps
Tuck planche – 5 sets
Straight arm frog stand -3 sets
Front lever – 3 sets
L-sits – 3 sets
Run – treadmill 6.31 (60mins)

Pushups and pullups later.

The tucked planche by the way is a non-happening event so far.
But I'm trying.

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