Friday, July 16, 2021

With Questions

With questions:

and it's left me more with questions - seeing doesn't answer anything, no part of mystery is revealed as being true and certain. It's the quality of my questions that have changed. What I ask now is more from wonder, curious that something has occurred at all. There is less need to know of why, no demand that answers be provided to give reason for my sorrow. 

life remains a mystery. 

yet seeing does provide a subtle understanding of things; that life is at once impersonal and intimate, suffering happening to us all, but so too the gift of healing. Life simply happens without bias. This removes any demands to be treated in a certain way. I am not immune for any aspect of life, and questioning why there is hurt, sorrow, or even joy, will at best lead to temporary belief to sooth my wounds and ease my mind. 

but nothing is really answered. 

my questions now lead me to explore the world - it's not about finding answers but seeing where an inquiry leaves me. It's always mystery, a state of not knowing, and more to relax without a constant need for answers. What I investigate is my own seamless nature; how awareness so easily flows from my attention. To see a flower's blossom through this conscious lens and understand it as my own bloom as well. It's a perfect understanding. Is it true? For that moment, yes, it's true for me. Ultimately, I only know of moments, gathered as a life. 

with questions - curios and alive, 

I simply am. 


Peace, Eric 

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