Monday, July 5, 2021

To Imagine

To imagine: 

of God existing - but don't in any sense of being apart from creation. That this is a God of particles and the infinite space between them, of emptiness and spontaneous appearance alike. I can image the existence of God without first cause, nor power to command. For me, it's all of life, of the tiniest swirl of subatomic detail to the largeness of the universe expanding. It's not some separate source that gives cause for this to happen, and not one to inflict ideals and punishment if we don't obey them. To imagine God is the simplicity of finding myself in awe at the details of the world. 

of course God is just a term, and what I'm describing here is existence, life, and all that gives support for it to thrive. This doesn't need a label. Yet at one point, through pure wonder of our position in the world, of the beauty and terror that surrounds us - we gave a name to mystery. With this name came specific meaning, a direction now to cast a prayer, or blame for daily trouble.

this was a God of our creation. 

To re-imagine now - of a nameless God, empty, yet giving rise to form. This is a return to mystery, an unknowing of all we once chose to believe. It's bringing God back to the details of the world, coming back to awe and wonder. There is no imaginary God. The miracle is our own existence within the vastness of stars, galaxies and possibilities.  None of this was divine by promise. Nothing more is guaranteed. To imagine anything more than this moment is a false prophet leading is astray. The God of my imagination is alive within the details, life, continuous without first cause. I give praise for the touch of sun and how it ripens leaves their deepest green, and how they later fall in response to distance. Every season is a source of wonder. I am thankful for breath, of the air that's given. I'm amazed that I'm designed for a breath to be taken, and that there's an endless source of sky to be received. My true prayer is one of gratitude that I belong to sun and air. 

to imagine God, I simply breathe and feel the touch of sun against me. 


Peace, Eric 


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