Monday, February 1, 2021

True Worship

True Worship:

it's true worship, one found without object to direct our veneration. This is wide open, spaciousness in awe of the form that it becomes, and what seems solid to allow itself to be defined by this seamless hold. It's a religion of one, everything in true worship of itself. 

this is simply nature, life without interference of how we believe the world should be. It's how a bud has full trust that its bloom will be received, the sky impartial to the flower to be given. There is nothing but welcome. True worship means to hold the world as its been given, as well as our own wish to offer change. Nature has its own intent, devoted to its continuation. This too is our own belonging, to find ourselves in the flow of life's expression. 

our own bloom will always be received. 

to worship, truly so, is not to find ourselves less in anyway - it's to find our own reflection through all the world offers and be reverent to this sacred view. It's an equal holiness, seamless, of how the view appears for the pleasure to be seen, and we offer ourselves, aware, as witness to its gifts. 

it's all true worship. 


Peace, Eric 

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