Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Repetition of Similar Play

Repetitions of similar play:

through each day it's the repetitions of events that earn us life, from breath to heartbeat it's the rhythm of our personal day, and on a larger scale our lives are the product of the earth's repeated turns. We live according to these patterns, repetitions of similar play. 

and yet, such subtle difference through each event - of every breath drawn, every heartbeat, is born only to this moment. No repetition is the same. This is the vibrancy of living, that from the very end of one repetition, something new is born, 

it's all continuation. 

through this we find a certain meaning, to observe motion in its infinite play - that there is beauty found in what ends as a cherished holding, our letting go belongs equal to the grief of loss, it's all now seen as one great continuation. 

there are no true endings. 

it's all repetitions, life through display of it's continuation. We are given this as opportunity, to be witness of the subtle aspect of what's so often seen familiar. No breath is ever breathed again, it's always the new air of another moment. Our every heartbeat brings potential, there's now freedom to explore, to join the world in motion. Each repetition of the familiar delivers a spontaneous moment never before revealed, and not once to be given again. 

even through what's repeated- mystery still remains. 


Peace, Eric 

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