Sunday, April 5, 2020

Without True Name

without true name - we are that which remains unspoken, only recognized as an unique aspect of the whole, momentary in our appearance. A name is given in an attempt to solidify an event, that something is labeled so it can be held in time, defying the motion of its existence. Yet nothing named is ever static, it's never simply the thing of its description - in this sense we see that a tree is always offering itself as an activity, it's a reach of spreading root and branches, an absorption of light and giving energy, a bridge to earth and sky, and so much more remains as mystery. To see a tree and not glimpse just a hint of its entirety is not really seeing at all. It's a dismissal of truth and grace for the convenience of a label. We are not so different from a tree, we are essence without true name, an offering of many things at once - and always, so much more too remains as mystery. 


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